What is Stepping Stones?
Stepping Stones is an independent charity supporting children aged between birth and four who have special needs. We have a contract with Wiltshire Council to provide a District Specialist Centre service. We cover the West Wiltshire Area – Trowbridge, Melksham, Westbury, Warminster, Bradford on Avon and all the surrounding villages. Our focus is to help children who present with delayed development access timely therapy and support to make progress.
Children are usually referred to us by a Paediatrician, Health Visitor or other professional however parents can self refer. Some children may have a diagnosed condition but all children supported by Stepping Stones present with developmental delay and difficulties in acquiring skills other children take for granted.
A Message from Debbie
My son was referred to Stepping Stones when he was 2 years old.
As a parent I continue to experience the various joys and anxieties that having a child with additional needs can bring. I am committed to ensuring that parents/carers can access information and support easily to help inform decisions and reduce worries.
I have worked at Stepping Stones since September 2003.
Debbie Wickham - Manager

Mission Statement
To foster a relationship of mutual support and co-operation between parents and staff and other professionals and so to build a sense of partnership in the provision of the health care and education for children with special needs.
To provide a support and information service for the parents and carers of children with special needs wherein children and their families can develop confidence in themselves and others.
To provide a centre for children with Special needs where visiting professionals liaise with staff and parents to support the family and to offer therapy, support and advice in order to develop the children’s full potential.
To foster and encourage relationships between Stepping Stones and other settings to facilitate the inclusion of special needs children within their home locality.
In compliance with its aims and principals, to be opposed to all forms of discrimination and to be committed to ensuring that all services are equally available to all children and their families
Children who come to Stepping Stones are assessed by our highly trained team and are helped and encouraged to learn through play. They are also given the opportunity to meet health professionals such as the Speech and Language Therapist, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist. These therapists work with our team to develop a plan, which is specific to each Childs individual needs.
Paediatric Clinics are held at Stepping Stones so families and children can be seen in familiar surroundings.