Our Management Committee
Stepping Stones is a charity run by a Management Committee made up of parents/carer’s, voluntary professionals and friends of our organisation. If you feel you would like to ensure that Stepping Stones properly reflects the views and needs of all the parents and carers who use our service we would love for you to join us. Please contact Debbie or Andrea to find out more.
Tracey-leigh Meadowcroft - Chair
Parent to a child who previously attended Stepping Stones

Committee Members

Sue initially started working with Stepping Stones in her role as a speech and language therapist.
When she retired she was delighted to join the Management Committee Team to continue working with us.
Sue Spittles

Alison initially became involved in the management committee when her son, Adam attending Stepping Stones from the age of 1 year to his start at primary school.
Adam is now an adult but Alison has continued to support Steppings Stones as member of the Management Committee
Alison Gratton

Dr Tim Adlam is an Associate Professor at the UCL Global Disability Innovation Hub in London, and Principal Engineer at Designability in Bath, researching technology for people with disabilities. He has worked in disability innovation for over 20 years, and brings his experience and connections in the field to Stepping Stones. Tim also has a son with cerebral palsy who attended Stepping Stones in his early years. He says “Stepping Stones was a significant support for our family: a place where people understood what it is like to be a family including a disabled child, and understood how to navigate convoluted health and education systems”
Dr Tim Adlam

I initially became involved with the management committee once our son finished a wonderful year at Stepping Stones and started primary school. I was overwhelmed by the holistic support given, not only to our son, but our whole family. I want to be able to ‘give back’ and do whatever is possible to help such an important organisation that supports children with special needs in our local community.
Claire Wells

Fiona Ladd - Bio coming soon
Fiona Ladd
Safeguarding Governor

Having heard about Stepping Stones from a friend whose child attended, I never imagined that one day I would be desperately (and slightly hysterically!) contacting them as one of my boys was showing signs of Autism. From that first reassuring call we embarked on our journey as parents of a child with additional needs guided and supported by the charity and we wouldn't be where we are now without them. When our son moved on to school I became fascinated with what actually happens in this magical place and decided to volunteer before going on to being an employee for many years. It is a privilege and pleasure to return to the Stepping Stones team as part of the Management Committee to help support the charity so that more families can continue to benefit from their wonderful service for many years to come.
Amanda Bush

Bio coming soon!
Jan Ball